Myth #1: Survival swim lessons are traumatic to infants and toddlers.

Truth: Survival Swim Development Network is composed of swim schools that are unified by a gentle approach to drowning prevention.  

There are certain organizations that may push babies excessively, even driving them to develop an aversion to water.  The fear of this experience prevents many parents from giving their children the life-saving skills that come with survival swim lessons.  It is true that all survival swim schools offer more challenging curriculum than traditional programs that are more recreation-oriented, but this is by design.  It is important for parents to know that their little ones can be given the precious ability to save themselves, and also be given the gift of a lifelong love of water.  SSDN swim instructors push and challenge kids of all ages, but we do it with love and compassion; pacing every lesson to the child.

Myth #2: Survival swim lessons are too expensive.

Truth:  Survival Swim Development Network swim programs can actually save money compared to traditional swim programs.

With any investment it is important to look at the big picture.  Sure, a rent-to-own appliance purchase offers smaller payments, but saving up and buying an appliance outright lowers your total cost.  Same concept with swim lessons; you can spend less per lesson and stretch your program out over several months or even years, or you can save up and pay more per lesson and learn to swim in only weeks and save money overall.  

Myth #3: Survival swim lessons do not teach proper technique.

Truth:  The Swim-Float-Swim method is built on the Freestyle technique.

In the Swim-Float-Swim sequence, ‘swim’ involves proper arm movements, body position, breath control, and straight leg kicks.  Transitioning from ‘swim’ to ‘float’ involves a rollback technique that uses similar body rotation to side breathing; rollbacks simply go further to turning all the way onto one’s’ back.  Swimmers involved in survival swim lessons transition easily to traditional stroke development, and most Survival Swim Development Network schools are qualified to teach all of the traditional strokes after a swimmer masters Swim-Float-Swim.

By: Brian Bachman
