Health and Wellness
Updated Swimming Guidelines from the AAP: What You Need To Know
Health and Wellness, News, Survival Swim, Water Safety
What the AAP Said On March 15th, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) made an important announcement updating the age at which children can benefit from swim lessons. “Research has found that swim lessons are beneficial for children starting around age 1, and may lower drowning rates”, said Linda Quan, MD, FAAP, a co-author Read More
In short, Yes. There is a measurable chlorine in salt water pools. The misconception lies in the way that the chlorine gets into the water, but there is still going to be chlorine present and it will need to be regulated just as in a traditionally sanitized pool. Before you change your mind about using Read More
pH balancing is commonly thought of as a way to minimize skin irritation and while that is one of the reasons you don’t want to swim in a misbalance body of water, it is not the real reason pool operators are concerned with pH. Chlorine activation levels are tied to the pH level of your Read More
Maintaining balanced water is critical to enjoying your pool, but when it comes to quick water management it is hard to find a boiled down guide of what you really need to keep an eye on. Here is my attempt to help with chlorine levels in your pool: In most pools the primary sanitizer is Read More
The answer is no, you would not drown. I have seen this tag line circulating around Social Media in the weeks leading up to the 2018 Super Bowl and want to correct the semantics of the statement. Although Tom Brady does ingest an absurd amount of liquid, doing the same would not drown you. Read More
When you have a small child, you are always concerned for their safety and probably wondering whether or not they have the tools they need in order to build a successful future. You might have considered that learning how to swim can improve the child’s safety while around the water, but there’s more to it Read More
Swimming is valuable skill that everyone should know, children included. Even as young as six months of age, children can start learning how to swim. In order to learn how to execute this important and even life-saving skill, your kid can participate in child swimming lessons, among other practices. These practices can vary from learning Read More